Sunday 7 October 2018

Guilds of Ravnica Set review - Multicolour

Today, we take a look at all of the multicoloured cards from Guilds of Ravnica. There's a lot to get through and some very interesting cards relating to each of the five guilds we have so far, a lot to get your deckbuilding mind racing and definitely some powerful cards and some sleepers that will break through in a couple of months time. We're in for a long one here but don't worry I assure you you'll enjoy every minute of it, so let's jump right in...

Artful Takedown

Artful Takedown is going to be a good utility spell in limited, it’s a little costly and has a mana cost spread over two colours but to be able to stop two creatures in a turn for one spell is worth it. It can also work on the offensive if your opponent has a particularly good blocker, you can tap it down and swing on through.

Assassin’s Trophy

This card is good, possibly the best card in the set. You can destroy anything, ANYTHING, for two mana, including lands which is particularly good in modern against Tron lands. Sure, they get to search for a basic land but that’s negligible most of the time. Because you can hit planeswalkers, creatures, artifacts, enchantments and lands for such a low amount of mana Assassin’s Trophy will have a staple slot in constructed metagame a stretching all the way back to legacy, so get ready to see a lot of this spectacular removal spell.

Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice

Aurelia is an incredible for a midrange deck in standard, it can help boost another creature you control or, Aurelia is your only creature, just get in with you 4/5 Flying, Trample, Vigilance creature. A slam dunk bomb in limited, play it all day long.

Beacon Bolt

This is a little slow on the removal front but it can be very effective because it counts instants and sorceries in your graveyard and in exile, so if you’ve Jump-Started a few cards already you don’t have to worry. I think Beacon Bolt could have been pushed a little more by making it an instant and maybe costing it at four rather than three but in limited it’s going to get something almost all the time.

Beamsplitter Mage

Beamsplitter Mage is kinda awkward to cast on turn two consistently, if you can drop it early though it can provide a decent amount of advantage. The best way to use Beamsplitter Mage is probably with combat tricks, any pump spell turns into two pump spells, any cantrip that targets Beamsplitter Mage nets you a card after replacing itself. I don’t think it will see much play even in limited but in the right deck this bear could do work.

Boros Challenger

Boros Challenger is going to run the tables in limited. A good bear is always worth playing and coupled with the Mentor mechanic and Boros Challenger’s  attack trigger your team could become really powerful. Just remember to activate Boros challenger before you attack to get the most out of the Mentor mechanic.


I don’t like this spell because it’s really subjective. Camaraderie could be a good end game card to help you go over the top but in any other instance it becomes a 6 mana do very little. Possibly a bomb in limited if you run a creature heavy deck and you can be consistent but I don’t think I would go straight for this.

Centaur Peacemaker

Meh. It’s a three mana 3/3 that gives your opponent life, I don’t like it. I feel Centaur Peacemaker could’ve had more power but as it stands it’s fine in limited if you need another three drop.

Chance at Glory

This is a bit of a weird one. Chance at Glory has applications on both offence and defence - you can use it just to have your board survive and maybe get value or you can attack and cast Chance at Glory to get value and an additional attack. The “lose the game” caveat is annoying and it puts you under pressure but I think this could be utilised well with some of the dinosaurs from Ixalan. I’m not sure how this plays in limited but I’m sure you’ll find some niche uses for it, in an alpha strike sort of way probably.

Charnel Troll

It’s big, cheap and aggressive but Charnel Troll does require some upkeep. You always need to make sure you have a creature to feed to it either from your graveyard or hand but if you can cover that cost then Charnel Troll will rule combat. A limited bomb and I think midrange aggro decks will love it.

Conclave Cavalier

The cost really puts me off, two white and two green may be hard to find especially on turn four but casting cost aside, Conclave Cavalier’s stats and effect is definitely playable in limited. A four mana 4/4 Vigilance is great in curve and when it dies it replaces itself by giving you two 2/2 Vigilance creatures which could be slightly better than one bigger creature. Great in a heavy Selesnya deck in limited but I don’t think Conclave Cavalier will see constructed play.

Conclave Guildmage

The return of the guildmages is a good thing though this is the first time they’ve all had tap abilities. I like Conclave Guildmage’s abilities though, combat advantage and creature creation is great for limited, the second ability in particular because you often find yourself with a lot of mana in the late game and not much do to with it.

Crackling Drake

So the mana cost is off putting but lest skip past that. Crackling Drakes effect is pretty sweet, you’re always going to have an X/4 Flyer but sometimes 4 toughness is good enough. The real sweetness of Crackling Drake is the fact that it replaces itself and if you can blink it or return it to play somehow you get so much more value out of it. Good in limited but alas the mana cost will keep this Drake out of constructed.

Darkblade Agent

Great tempo creature for limited, Darkblade Agent does require a decent amount of Surveil to get maximum value, specifically the Deathtouch, but even without a lot of the Dimir mechanic a three mana 2/3 is fine. If you can Surveil at instant speed then you could turn Darkblade Agent into a good blocker.

Deafening Clarion

I love every part of this card, it’s a good global damage spell or it can pull you back into a game/put you very far ahead of your opponent on life. Designing Clarion is going to be a player for sure in constructed with Sweltering Suns rotating out and it will probably be in similar decks. Midrange tempo decks want both of these abilities at different points and having both on a single card makes everything so much better. Brilliant in limited too for those last ditch alpha strikes.

Dimir Spybug

This is going to be an all-star in limited in a heavy Surveil deck. The fact that it’s a permanent power/toughness boost as opposed to a temporary one is really powerful on a two drop with evasion, and on top of that evasion Dimir Spybug even has Menace. In multiples these get out of hand and can deal up a limited game for you easy.

Disinformation Campaign

There is no downside to this card. Three mana to draw a card is good but it also forces your opponents to discard a card so the power level goes up. Then, the icing on the cake, you can return it to your hand fairly easily and reuse it. You could really screw up your opponent’s plans with Disinformation Campaign while also getting quite far ahead on card advantage, multiple in limited makes the game unfun for your opponent but makes things easy for you.

Emmara, Soul of the Accord

I like Emmara, Soul of the Accord because she feels like a Selesnya card. She’s cheap and low to the ground but can provide board advantage naturally by attacking or, more commonly in limited, being tapped with Convoke. The fact that the tokens come with lifelink is nice because a few here and there can help offset any plans your opponent might have in regard to your life total. From the moment Emmara hits the table she will be a huge target so there is a semblance of protection needed here. A bomb in limited and could see some constructed play.

Erstwhile Trooper

This is a great ability for creature heavy limited decks. Erstwhile Trooper allows you to ditch any dead creature cards in you hand in order to power itself up to a 4/4 Trample and the best part is there’s no “at sorcery speed” caveat, though there is a “once per turn” thing going on but you can still activate it in your opponent’s turn as well as your own.

Etrata, the Silencer

Etrata needs to see a removal spell sharpish or else your opponent has no chance. Forget about the “they lose the game” clause, a four mana 3/5 Unblockable is already super playable and it doubles up as removal. Etrata is a limited bomb and will be a standard powerhouse, of course you will win some games with Etrata’s effect but even if you don’t the threat alone is probably enough to divert from what else you’re going to win with.

Firemind’s Research

I love this card, I’ve been playing a lot of Blue Red Dynavolt Tower over this standard format and Firemind’s Research feels a bit more versatile overall with the card draw and such. Firemind’s Research is split over two colours making it slightly harder to cast than Dynavolt Tower and you don’t get as much of a pay off for casting an instant or sorcery but the abilities are much more effective. The card draw can dig you deeper letting you find more card draw and spells to trigger the two mana enchantment and being able to shoot anything for 5 damage gives you a four turn clock and most creatures won’t be surviving a hit for 5. In limited Firemind’s Research is a little sketchy as it’s very much a build around me card but in constructed that’s the best part, you can find the perfect spells to both reach whatever goal you want and keep triggering this enchantment. I’m definitely going to be trying this out.

Garrison Sergeant

Great limited top end creature and Garrison Sergeant will do work when you control a gate.

Goblin Electromancer

He’s had quite a run in modern over the last couple of years thanks to Storm and now Goblin Electromancer is back to rock standard. This bear can be surprisingly effective in limited, you essentially bump all of your instant and sorcery spells back a turn by reducing the mana cost which can really help apply pressure by letting you cast multiple spells in a single turn. It’s not going to revolutionise standard but Goblin Electromancer could pop up in a couple of decks from time to time for value plays.

Glowspore Shaman

Glowspore Shaman helps fuel your graveyard and possibly fix some mana issues at the same time but is also a very aggressive two drop creature. If it goes unchecked Glowspore Shaman can start taking chunks out of your opponent’s life total quickly, sure it’s fragile but that’s the price you pay for all this value. For sure you play this in limited and I could even see standard rocking the two mana elf to help use your graveyard as a resource.

Golgari Findbroker

The mana cost is awkward but a Regrowth isn’t nothing. Being able to get a removal spell or something as effective back in the late game is great value and the 3/4 body works well blocking and attacking. Because of the mana cost I don’t think Golgari Finebroker will see constructed play but a great limited player.

Hammer Dropper

Hammer Dropper is a great aggressive creature in limited. It’s a tad fragile but it applies pressure nicely and thanks to its 5 power allows you to trigger Mentor a handful of times.

House Guildmage

Good tempo creature though House Guildmage is a bit slow and requires a decent amount of mana put into just to keep a creature tapped down. The Surveil is a nice ability but at three mana there are spells that do it cheaper, the only plus side being that to repeatable turn to turn. Great in limited, not so great in constructed.


Card advantage and removal all rolled into one. Five mana to draw two cards might not seem like much but at instant speed it redeems itself a little, the optional removal is the best part though. You can play Hypothesizzle just for value at the end of your opponent’s turn or you could utilise it as a removal spell for one of their larger creatures. It’s versatile and thanks to that will see limited play for sure.


Brilliant tempo counterspell for a deck like Blue Red Wizards. Ionize gives you a permission spell and still lets you keep the pressure on making life very hard for your opponent, I don’t really like counterspells in limited but this could get a pass if you have a fast enough deck. Ionize will see standard play but probably not as a four of, sometimes Sinister Sabotage will be better.

Izoni, Thousand-Eyed

Why is this creature so weak? The effect is brilliant and Izoni even comes with a card advantage engine built in but why only a 2/3. I guess it’s to keep it in Lightning Strike range so it doesn’t get too out of hand but I could see Izoni being a 3/4 for 6 mana at least. Anyway, Izoni is going to be a limited bomb and definitely a standard player, the board and card advantage you get could be immense and really put you in the driving seat if unchecked, I can see it as a one of in midrange decks because of the intense mana cost but you could get a lot of mileage out of Izoni.

League Guildmage

As a two mana 2/2 League Guildmage is a fine creature for limited that sits on the curve nicely. Both abilities will be applicable at some point in most games but you’re only really ever going to use the first to gain card advantage and let you find more answers. Your opponent should never walk a spell into League Guildmage’s second ability so more often than not you will be parlaying it with your own spells, doubling up in removal or cantrips is really effective though so be aware of how much mana you’re sinking in as you don’t want to leave yourself open to something swingy from your opponent.

Ledev Champion

This three mana creature could end up being an all in type play, you want a lot of creatures to help power up Ledev Guardian but the more you tap to pump the Guardian the less you have to block with. Being able to create a token though Ledev Guardian’s own means is useful but five mana is a lot just for a 1/1. Ledev Guardian plays well in a midrange deck that can help protect your side of the board without giving too much of an advantage away, I think it stays in limited for now but if the format is slow enough it could break into standard.

Legion Guildmage

I really like Legion Guildmage because it helps keep the board in check. You can keep an opposing creature tapped down in the early game and later on it provides you with reusable damage to put a clock on your opponent, you’re spending a lot for 3 damage but the fact that you can use he ability each turn ups the limited playability a lot.

March of the Multitudes

Massive bomb mythic rare here, always play it in limited if you can and March of the Multitudes will definitely see standard play. This being an instant makes it insanely powerful and the value just goes up thanks to the tokens having Lifelink. Get ready to see a lot of March of the Multitudes in the coming months.

Mnemonic Betrayal

Yawgmoth’s Will is an unfair magic card, letting you play cards from your graveyard for three mana is immense value. Mnemonic Betrayal is a very combo/value centric magic card and lets you utilise your opponent’s best card in the graveyard at the very least. At most you could absolutely ruin their plans with their own means which is deliciously ironic in a sense, however I don’t think the right deck exists for Mnemonic Betrayal right now in standard. Modern on the other hand could really use this well, sure the cost is spread over two colours but blue gives you card draw and permission to let you get to the point of playing Mnemonic Betrayal with little advantage given away. This is a card in keeping my eye on for the future because I think it could break out in a devastating way.


Great limited creature either in the late game or when dropped early thanks to its Undergrowth. Getting a land back isn’t the most effective ability but it can help and if you can drop Molderhulk early then it puts you a turn ahead of your opponent. You do have to work a fair bit to get maximum efficiency out of Molderhulk but in the right deck this 6/6 does work in limited.

Nightveil Predator

Great body, great set of keywords, the only thing about Nightveil Predator that’s unattractive is the mana cost. If you drop this on turn four then you’re going to be happy, you have s decent sized flyer that will trade with anything and has the best evasion ever. Later on in the game Nightveil Predator is going to trade with something but it could end up being super underpowered in comparison, though if the skies are clear than you have a good win condition in the making. Thanks to the mana cost and the fact that it has no immediate impact Nightveil Predator is a limited only creature but it’s room for value is quite big I think.

Niv-Mizzet, Parun

This is one awkward mana cost. Three blue and three red means you’re jumping through some precarious hoops to cast Niv-Mizzet on turn six. The good thing about the smartest dragon ever though is that you don’t need him on turn six all the time, he fits well into a control deck that’s looking to get to the late game and then abuse card advantage to whittle your opponent’s life total down. In limited Niv-Mizzet is an absolute bomb rare that will probably win you the game on the spot, he’s hard to get rid of and provides a huge advantage in many ways. I’m not sure what deck Niv-Mizzet fits into for constructed but I’m sure it will come to light soon.

Nation Rain

This card is insane and is going to be a player in limited. Three mana for two cards is a fine rate and the 2 life is negligible especially in the early game. The closest comparison to Notion Rain is Read the Bones, however Surveilling is much more powerful than Scrying so even though Notion Rain is harder to cast the power level is much higher, to the point where it could see constructed play.

Ochran Assassin

It will usually always trade up and when you need to push damage through Ochran Assassin gives you a great way to do that. Limited only because the effect isn’t as powerful in constructed but having one in limited is fine.

Ral, Izzet Viceroy

Ral’s back and this time around costs five mana instead of four. He also comes with some much more appealing abilities, first off giving you card selection and graveyard fuel which subsequently leads into his second ability which is able to protect himself. His ultimate is very much win-more, an emblem that deals 4 damage would probably have been good enough and the draw 2 cards part gives you more fuel to trigger it and find answers, though I don’t know what you’re answering when all of your instants and sorceries are the answers. Five mana could be a little high with not much immediate impact for constructed though it really depends on how fast the format is, obviously always a huge bomb in limited.

Rhizome Lurcher

This could be a limited all star in the right deck. Sure, late on Rhizome Lurcher is obviously good but what if you can fuel your graveyard full of creatures in the early game. If you can get three or four creatures into your yard and then drop Rhizome Lurcher on turn four having it be a 6/6 with no draw back. I think this is a premium common four drop for aggressive limited decks and it will do work for you.

Rosemane Centaur

This guy is fine for limited. Rosemane Centaur sits nicely at the top end of your curve but thanks to Convoke you can power it out a few turns earlier. A 4/4 Vigilance for five mans is decent but coming down even one turn earlier is much more appealing in limited, Rosemane Centaur can match other creatures well in combat and if you can power it out on turn three then it could start to take over a game with a chunk of damage each turn and still being able to block.

Skyknight Legionnaire

It’s back, all three Ravnica blocks have seen Skyknight Legionnaire and all three have welcomed it. In limited having a three mana 2/2 Haste Flyer is quite efficient, you can apply pressure early and block in the air later on.

Sonic Assault

Sonic Assault is an ok combat trick/removal spell but three mana is a little steep for constructed play. This is going to sit in limited and that’s about it but the Jump-Start is a good upside.

Sumala Woodshaper

It’s fragile but Sumala Woodshaper doesn’t look too bad in limited. It’s a four mana chump blocker than helps you dig to your better creatures, Sumala Woodshaper then buys you time to cast the creature it found for you. I like two in limited because you want to have a good chance of finding your big creatures but three plus does allow you to chain them together.

Swarm Guildmage

Limited all star alert! This bear will do so much work and needs a removal spell from your opponent quick otherwise it gives you so much board advantage. Swarm Guildmage nets you life and later on in the game let’s you force damage through and probably alpha strike to win. If you get multiples you should play them all, the sheer power aggressive creature based decks gain is immense.

Swathcutter Giant

Swathcutter Giant is a brilliant top end creature in limited, it attacks and blocks well and helps deal with the smaller creatures very easily and on mass. It can even help Swathcutter Giant trade up if it gets blocked by multiple creatures, those 1 damages add up, this will do work for you.

Swiftblade Vindicator

So Boros Swiftblade has been pretty much outdone. Swiftblade Vindicator does have one less power but the added vigilance and Trample makes it super effect, blocking this is so hard when you suspect your opponent has a pump spell and with the new Mentor mechanic Swiftblade Vindicator could get out of hand very quickly. Always play this in limited and it will definitely see constructed play.

Tajic, Legion’s Edge

Imagine how good it would feel going turn two Swiftblade Vindicator into turn three Tajic, Legion’s Edge, you’re going to be living on easy street as far as combat is concerned for the foreseeable future. Tajic is busted good, the Hate is good, the Mentor is good and the fact that he can protect your other creatures from non-combat damage means that damage based sweeper effects are now one for ones. Limited bomb and for sure seeing standard play, this could easily be the new red creature that you see a lot of and hate.

Thief of Sanity

This is a great midrange creature in both limited and standard. Thief of Sanity comes down early, apples evasive pressure and starts taking key cards away for your opponent, oh and it kills them as well. If you can protect Thief of Sanity and get it into the late game it gains you so much advantage, and it’s super sweet using your opponent’s own cards against them.

Thought Erasure

Think if Thought Erasure like this: the one black mana is the hand disruption spell and the one blue mana is the Scry spell. Unfortunately a two mana hand disruption spell probably won’t see constructed play as you want to get in early with those type of spells; Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, Duress to name a few. The Surveil 1 will help dig you through your deck and up the power level but I think it’s showcased on better cards. Though Erasure is fine in limited but I don’t think will be a constructed player.

Thousand-Year Storm

So Storm is probably the most broken mechanic ever devised. How about you cost the mechanic at 6, does that fix the problem. Well, yes in a sense. If you get to untap with Thousand-Year Storm then the value you gain is immense, drop some draw spells and maybe a few removal spells to clear up the board and bingo, you’ve achieved a lot with all of two or three spells. Is this card as good as Storm? Not at all, you have to jump through hoops and have a lot of mana and all without having rituals. This is a kitchen table/commander card which will be a lot of fun to play with, it’s not for limited or constructed though.

Trostani Discordant

The mana and the body feels a little off on this one. I love Trostani Discordant in limited because it gives you a good board position with three bodies for just five mana and the anthem effect is definitely effective. The last effect seems weird and it’s probably for casual magic players that like to do tricksy things with giving their own creatures away for value.

Truefire Captain


The mana on Truefire Captain is a little awkward but if you can drop it on turn four then you could just win then and there. 4 power for four mana is a good rate and the Mentor just adds to the sweetness on this human knight, Truefire Captain will trade will in combat and even then gets to push damage through. If you can keep Truefire Captain on the board your opponent will have such a hard time attacking and blocking and giving it Trample will just feel unfair. Probably limited only due to the cost but it could see sideboard play in a Boros aggro deck.

Undercity Uprising

So this is a four mana removal spell if nothing else but beyond that if you can find a spot to alpha strike then your opponent will have to lose so much value blocking. Undercity Uprising is definitely a limited only card and it will perform well, in lieu of any actual removal this will do just fine, only as a one of though.

Underrealm Lich

One mana less and Underrealm Lich could have been a serious midrange bomb creature in limited and constructed. It gives you card selection, graveyard fuel and can be really hard to deal with thanks to it’s indestructible clause. I have a feeling Underrealm Lich started out life as a 4/4 but was reduced on the toughness to make it more susceptible to cards like Lightning Strike which is fair, though the 4 power will still pack a punch. Underrealm Lich is a limited bomb creature and I think could make a showing in constructed if you can really take advantage of your graveyard as a resource.

Unmoored Ego

This effect always finds its way into standard: Cranial or Surgical Extraction, Lost Legacy, Dispossess. As good as this ability is, and Unmoored Ego will see constructed play, the first thing I thought when I saw this was “Hope your opponent isn’t play Relentless Rats”. Your opponent getting a card back for each named card you hit in their hand is annoying but I feel that more often than not they will only get one card out of this, sandbagging cards is fine in certain decks but I don’t think the upcoming format will produce a lot of those decks.

Vraska, Golgari Queen

I like that we’ve gotten to the point of having a cheap Vraska with a great set of abilities. Her ultimate is pretty run of the mill by now, she’s going to put your opponent in a position of near death any way you cut it. My interest is more on her first ability of card advantage. You could sacrifice a land or a dud creature to net a life and a card but what if you can abuse this ability with cards that want to be sacrificed? Being able to sacrifice something like Hunted Witness to net a card, a life and still get a 1/1 Lifelinker feels quite good and late on in the game ditching your lands for cards can be very productive. I think Vraska will see constructed play and is an obvious bomb in limited, she might not seem like she fits anywhere particularly right now but just as a cheap, value oriented planeswalker she will find a home for sure.

Wee Dragonauts

Wee Dragonauts is back and I love it. The amount of times I just got people with this three mana creature in limited was insane, attack in with your innocuous 1/3 only to drop three or four instants and end up bashing for 9 damage felt so good. This is a limited player and works well in the early and late game, I could even see Wee Dragonauts finding its way into constructed as it hits the wizard mark which has become a good deck over the recent months.

Worldsoul Colossus

I want to like Worldsoul Colossus and I guess it’s fine in limited but you could fall into the trap of over committing to cast it. Being able to power out an above curve creature early on is really good but there’s a chance Worldsoul Colossus will eat a removal spell. The other reason I don’t like it is because it has no Trample or Vigilance or anything to help up the value of the card, maybe that would make it too good but I feel it could’ve been pushed a bit more.

Fresh-Faced Recruit

Conditional First Strike is a weird thing to have, on the offensive it’s fine but First Strike is much more effective on the defensive when you can utilise your combat tricks better. On the whole of you have to play Fresh-Faced Recruit then so be it but there are better two drops.

Piston-Fist Cyclops

This is a hybrid card I really like. Piston-Fist Cyclops is above the curve though it does require a little work to get going, in these colours though that won’t be a problem. Pre-combat you can cast a cheap sorcery to enable Piston-Fist Cyclops and then drop a combat trick or too on it to get a load of value. The best thing is that you can run this three mana 4/3 in a heavy red, heavy blue deck or one that splashes both.

Pitiless Gorgon

Great limited creature. Holds the ground well in the early game and can keep your opponent’s bomb creature at bay in the late game.

Vernadi Shieldmate

This is strictly better than a Grizzly Bear and therefore will probably see a lot of limited play. The Vigilance on Vernadi Shieldmate is really crucial because it can attack and block and in green and white you should have access to a fair few combat tricks to utilise that.

Whisper Agent

What a brilliant limited common. Whisper Agent is cheap, fairly easy to cast and offers so much value. A surprise blocker that lets you filter the top card of your library is good at almost any point in the game and on the attack puts a decent clock on your opponent. It also has some sweet flavour text. 


I really like Assure//Assemble, inherently as a spot card it gives options and the options here can be quite effective. A two mana combat trick with the permanent effect is good and the Indestructible sweetens the deal. Imagine your opponent trying to Lightning Strike your Thorn Lieutenant and you respond with Assure, not only do you get a token but your Thorn Lieutenant turns into a 3/4 and survives to possibly net you another token. On the back end you have 6 power for six mana split over three bodies and all of them have Vigilance, dropping this onto an empty board at the end of your opponent’s turn gives you so much board advantage out of nowhere. Assure//Assemble is a great limited card and I think will see constructed play for sure, he versatility it offers a midrange deck seems too good to turn down.


I think Connive//Concoct is going to be more effective in limited than in constructed. Connive in the early game is good but as the game goes on your opponent’s creatures stand to get bigger therefore making Connive less effective, Concoct on the other hand is brilliant in the late game but it is a bit slow. Five mana to Surveil 3 and reanimate a creature from your graveyard is effective and it’s nice that the Surveil fuels the reanimating but it feels like you could get got with a simple removal or counterspell. These things said I would still slam Connive//Concoct in limited all day long if I’m in Dimir, you want to gear your deck to get to the late game to utilise Concoct more so but if you can do that it could be a devastating spell.


I think I’m only really interested in the Discover half of this card. Dispersal is fine but it feels clunky whereas Discovery is great in the early game and plays so well in a creature based Golgari strategy that wants to use its graveyard or just to dig you deeper and find actual gas. I think Dispersal is going to see some use in limited but just to get rid of an opposing blocker, unless your opponent has no cards in hand they will probably end up discarding a dead card and at that point Dispersal is a bad Boomerang with some of a bad Mind Rot attached. 


I love this card, the front end of Expansion could be your opponent’s best spell or, in my mind, the best counterspell that always costs two. The back end of Explosion is where I want to be though. It’s a weirdly overcosted removal spell or an instant speed Fireball with a Stroke of Genius attached, you want to be in a position where it will finish your opponent off but the card draw balances that nicely. If you can’t done your opponent for the win then the card draw could dig you to more spells to do that, at the very least it helps you refuel which could be enough. A limited bomb and I think it will see play in standard maybe as a sideboard card against the control decks.


This is the perfect card for Golgari decks, once you’ve bolstered your graveyard full of creatures you can grab the best two back for just two mana. Finality is a bit of a commitment on mana but if you can position the board correctly and end up with you having a huge creature and you opponent having nothing then this six mana sweeper becomes the all star of your limited deck. I’m not sure how constructed playable Find//Finality is because it doesn’t actually do anything immediately but I don’t think your opponent will be expecting it at all so the surprise factor is big.


I really want to play Flower in a three colour deck. As long as you’re heavy green I feel it can enable the second and third colour rather than just smoothing your mana out in a two colour deck, sure it can only hit a forest or a plains but, and a small spoiler alert if you haven’t been paying attention, the Shock Lands are back. Flourish is a great alpha strike card in limited though I feel granting Vigilance wouldn’t be too much in addition to the +2/+2, it’s a big investment but if it resolves it could steal a game for you.


I like this card. It’s a combat trick or a Lightning Helix depending on what the game calls for. In the early game the +2/+2 helps you trade up in combat and later on the Lightning Helix effect can act as removal for a creature, reach against your opponent or lifegain to pull you back into a game. The back end is over costed but Lightning Helix is a busted card and it probably should’ve cost three or four mana. 


I’ll start this one off by saying that Invert has already been errata’d, adding “until end of turn” to the switch power and toughness effect. This effect is fine and could help you trade up or block profitably for a turn, it’s not gonna be a stellar spell but it’s ok. Invent will allow you to dig out a couple of decent spells and the fact that it’s an instant means that it may actually see limited play.


This feels like a powerful card. Response will almost always take out an opposing creature and Resurgence, if played in the right spot, wins you the game. The value from Resurgence is so good and the second combat step just puts it over the top. Play this all the time in limited and Response//Resurgence could see constructed play if the format is more creature based.


A combat trick and a removal spell rolled into one card. Last time around in Ravnica we had Fuse cards, split cards where you could play both sides of the card by paying both costs. This time we’re back to normal split cards so you have to pick on or the other, nicely enough though Status//Statue gives you a couple of good choices. Status can let you give a creature that extra power and toughness to get there, if it runs into an opposing creature however then the Deathtouch helps deal with that and all just for one mana. Statue let’s you deal with almost everything you could possibly need to, except for planes walkers that is, and at four mana and instant that’s not a bad spot to have it in. It reminds me a bit of Putrefy just with a lot more versatility. Limited all day long and thanks in part to its versatility I could see it playing in constructed.

That was a lot of cards to get through, I imagine everyone is a little spent after that. Take the rest of the day to relax and get your bearings back before we round off the week tomorrow with all of the artifact, lands, and something a little extra. Check us out on Twitter at @gcgamingtank and remember to keep heading back to Game Changers for more gaming news and updates.
Happy gaming guys.

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