Tuesday 24 July 2018

Myth-Direction - Core 2019

So the set's dropped, we've been through the set review and now it's time to take a look at all of the Mythic-Rares. I'm going to be going through all of the Mythics today and judging whether or not they step up to the Mythic mark, there's a lot to get through so let's jump right in and get started.

Ajani, Adversary to Tyrants 

Ajani wants to be played with a lot of smaller creatures, more or a go wide strategy so the first and second ability can be utilised effectively. If you can protect him and get to the late game then his ultimate can slowly start to take over a game with a steady flurry of Lifelinking cats at the end of each of your turns. The main issue with that statement is that protecting Ajani could be quite difficult as he doesn’t come with a built in protection ability. Sure, his second ability can provide a creature to block with, though you do have to jump through some hoops like it being in your graveyard and it costing two or less mana. All in all I don’t think Ajani hits that Mythic status for me, I like low cost planeswalkers but it does need a fair bit of help. Even with that help it’s still slightly conditional as to whether or not you can stem your opponent’s board position enough to get to his ultimate and take over the game. 

Apex of Power

I don’t think anyone can deny the power level of this card. It’s costly, it’s splashy and if you can cast Apex of Power from your hand then the advantage is huge, it pretty much free too. Unfortunately the effect of Apex of Power is only really applicable when you do cast it from your hand so cheating it out isn’t really an option, this aside however I’m still happy with this as a Mythic. 

Arcades, the Strategist

The stats on Arcades are great, a four mana 3/5 flyer is brilliant as an early to mid game creature even without the rest of the text box. When you add the text box into the equation it’s all value: your Defenders draw cards and can attack, well isn’t that just lovely. But then you look at Gatherer and see that there is only 15 other cards with the word Defender in their text box and the dream starts to die a little. You see with Arcades you need a steady stream of Defenders, which you have as 15 is more than enough. Though when you whittle those down to the good ones you work out that you only have a handful worth playing, plus the fact that Arcades forces you into three colours right off the bat and things become awkward. Despite all of this I believe Arcades should be a Mythic, it’s a great creature with a great ability, it just sucks that most of the cards to make that ability any good suck. 

Bone Dragon

I misread Bone Dragon in my set review, I read it as seven creature cards not just seven cards. This revelation makes this five mana 5/4 a lot better, the power level is increased quite a bit. Even with my eyes now working I don’t think Bone Dragon should be a Mythic. Sure, it’s on curve power/toughness to cost wise but the effect is a lot of mana and a huge investment from your graveyard - providing you even have seven cards to exile - I’m not saying I don’t like the dragon just that I think it could’ve been pushed a bit more being a Mythic.

Chromium, the Mutable 

I wonder how short I can make this one. It’s super obvious how stupidly good Chromium is: the speed, evasion and versatility is all there. Oh, and the Elder Dragon status pretty much confirms it, Mythic slam dunk.

Crucible of Worlds 

This is hard one to evaluate. Crucible of Worlds has always been a very powerful artifact, recurring lands can be hard to fight from your opponent’s perspective especially if they are lands like Strip Mine or Ghost Quarter (lands that destroy other lands). This is another case of “the card is only as good as their cards make it” Crucible itself isn’t inherently powerful, it’s just the printing of certain lands and because of that I don’t think it should be a Mythic Rare. It feels like it’s taken up a slot that something else could’ve fit if pushed a little more.

Liliana, Untouched by Death   

With a fair few zombies making an appearance in Core 2019 it could be the case that Liliana, Untouched by Death is going to be a player in constructed. Personally, I don’t believe that. With all the spot and mass removal running around plus the fact that red/black decks are so much faster than the shambling horrors it could take a lot to make zombies top tier, and I don’t think Liliana will do that. As for her abilities, well as I said in my set review she is so creature dependent so much so that I think she could be too narrow for constructed. If you do have some zombies however then Liliana’s abilities can be utilised well and that’s the only reason I think she hits the Mythic status, just. 

Nexus of Fate

Technically not in the set but Nexus of Fate is so splashy that it’s worth talking about. I really want to see this big splashy spell in constructed, an instant speed take an extra turn is great for tempo/ramp decks. Add in the fact that you can never deck out with Nexus of Fate in your deck and the value just keeps increasing. This is a Mythic for sure, as I said in my set review this effect can never be done at a cost that’s both usable and fair, I’m not saying Nexus of Fate is that card because it’s certainly not - instant speed, what we’re Wizards thinking - but it will be fun to see where this shows up. 

Nicol Bolas The Ravager/Nicol Bolas, the Arisen 

Probably the splashiest Mythic in Core 2019, Nicol Bolas has so much going for him. This is the cheapest he’s ever been and is not the second time he’s appeared as a non planeswalker, but don’t worry because he has a planeswalker version on the flip side. Let’s start with the front side: four mana for a 4/4 flyer is already good, making each opponent discard a card and the value is going up. Getting into the late game being able to flip him is pretty much going to win you the game then and there, granted it will cost you seven mana and it’s sorcery speed but it’s worth it. Straight away you can do so much: draw two cards, take out any creature or planeswalker or reanimate same. I think I should stop babbling now and just end with this, Nicol Bolas is a good example of a Mythic Rare.


It lets you play spells for free, no matter what the cost of this enchantment is it hits Mythic Rare status easily. 

Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner

Reading over Palladia-Mors if she didn’t have the non-keyword text I would be happy with her being a rare. A very powerful rare, one that would see so much limited play and even a bit of constructed play, but thanks to those two lines of text Palladia-Mors hits the Mythic status nicely. Hexproof makes it very hard to deal with Palladia-Mors and the best part is you get to dictate a lot about the Hexproof. Sure, you can be aggressive with your 6/6 Flying, Trample, Vigilance but the minute you do it opens Palladia-Mors up to all the spot removal

Resplendent Angel 

This could be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think Resplendent Angel should be a Mythic. Sure, a three mana 3/3 flyer is brilliant and when it has the potential to make 4/4 flyers it just gets better and better. Maybe I’m asking too much but I feel this could have been pushed by making the 4/4 angel tokens 5/5s and give them Lifelink, it feeds into Resplendent Angels ability beautifully and may be a tad powerful but isn’t that the point of a Mythic Rare? You’re paying six mana to get one angel token anyway so why not have a domino effect when you do. 

Sarkhan Fireblood

He’s cheap and goes nowhere but up until his ultimate, which by the way should probably win you the game barring some sort of mass removal spell. An early game loot ability can help smooth out your draws and help you hit your land drops, adding mana is good but this is restricted to dragon spells so it’s a bit narrower than something like Chandra, Torch of Defiance’s add mana ability. Sarkhan isn’t as narrow on the whole as Liliana so he hits the Mythic Status nicely and I think could be a good tempo player in constructed. 


I don’t get it. Why was this reprinted and why is it Mythic? Is it just because of the power that is could provide in modern because it’s not it’s inherent ability to fix you mana that makes it super powerful. It shouldn’t be a Mythic.

Tezzeret, Artifice Master

I love everything about Tezzeret. He protects himself with the plus ability, card advantage for free with his second ability and for his last trick he will find anything you could possibly need - provided it’s a permanent. Five mana for five loyalty is quite pushed too and because he has no minus ability the only way to for your opponent to stop him getting to his ultimate is to attack him in some form. Great Mythic Rare.

Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

The last of the Elder Dragons and it’s a swingy one. Another six mana 6/6 flyer but this time instead of having all the keywords Vaevictis Asmadi comes with a sort of Chaos Warp-esc ability, for both you and your opponent. You never know what you’re going to get, it could be nothing as they reveal a non-permanent card or it could be your worst nightmare. The same goes for you as you are forced to choose and sacrifice something too, despite the possible drawbacks however Vaevictis Asmadi is a definite Mythic Rare for theme, stats and ability. 

Vivien Reid 

It’s Vivien’s first showing in the Magic Multiverse and it’s safe to say that it’s a good one. This five mana planeswalker is already fighting for a place with Nissa, Vital Force and in my opinion Vivien is winning that fight. Card advantage, removal and a great emblem. Vivien gives you so much versatility that it’s hard to ignore her power level and potential, a great showing for her first time around and definitely hits the Mythic Rare status. 

Maybe you have some different opinions on any of the cards looked at today, if so why not let me know on Twitter at @gcgamingtank. As always we'll be doing this all again in three months time with Guilds of Ravnica but until then remember, keep checking back to Game Changers for more gaming news and updates.
Happy gaming guys!

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