Saturday 14 July 2018

Core 2019 Set Review - Multicolour


It's all about the multicoloured today. Every one from Core 2019 coming at you thick and fast, there's a lot to get through so if everyone is ready I think it's time to jump right in.

Aerial Engineer

Aerial Engineer could be a decent mid game four mana 4/4 flyer but only if you control an artifact. It won’t be hard to come by many artifacts but the conditional nature of this creature does mean that extra 2 power could be turned off with a well timed Naturalize. Even as a 2/4 Aerial Engineer is playable, it blocks well and has attacking potential.

Arcades, the Strategist

The first of the returning Elder Dragons. There are only six creatures with Defender in Core 2019, six friends that can trigger the card advantage side of Arcades, the Strategist and become offensive for once in their lives. Don’t like the low number of Defenders phase your opinion of Arcades because the value is still pretty great. A four mana 3/5 Flying and Vigilance is always limited playable even if it is in three colours, as for constructed well, you have to build too Arcades quite a bit. I’m not saying it will be a bad deck but if your opponent can take down Arcades then the rest of your creature probably don’t do anything.

Brawl-Bash Ogre

Limited all star right here. The stats are already really good and the aggressive nature of Brawl-Bash Ogre, having menace and all, allies you to really get some damage in, especially if you can keep up the creatures to sacrifice to it.

Chromium, the Mutable

The design part of my brain is a little confused about Chromium: it’s a massive bomb creature with a nifty ability turning it into a 1/1. The control player part of my brain is loving this as it’s almost the perfect top end creature in Esper control. Flash in Chromium at the end of your opponent’s turn to hit in for 7 straight away or you could Flash it in as a blocker. Lots of removal? Then discard your worst card to keep this Elder Dragon around longer. Chromium is obvious a bomb rare in limited and I think constructed will welcome it with open arms, it’ll be hard to play around but restriction breed creativity right?

Draconic Disciple

Decent early drop limited creature that can accelerate you and in the late game Draconic Disciple can give you a 5/5 flyer for your troubles.

Enigma Drake

If my limited deck was 75% instants and sorceries than I would love Enigma Drake, multiples would be a god send. However, limited tends to revolve more so around creatures so your deck would be more like 30-40% non-creature spells at most which starts to make Enigma Drake look a little disappointing. It’s still fine and you might find it at a time where you’ve burnt through your non-creature spells early on, making the Drake great but it’s a little much to put into a three drop.

Heroic Reinforcements

Four mana for 4 power with Haste is good. You play this in limited almost all the time and the best part is it effects your other creatures, not just the tokens.

Nicol Bolas, the Ravager

He was always coming back at some point. Nicol Bolas is here to terrorise the tables once again and in his cheapest ever form. This four mana 4/4 Flyer is bonkers, the stats are insane and right off the bat he forces your opponents to discard a card. If you can protect him later enough in to the game then for seven mana you can flip him and he becomes one hell of a planeswalker, but more on that later. You play Nicol Bolas in limited if you’re anywhere near these colours, the value he represents is huge and he needs to be dealt with quick or the game is over. I do think we will see him in constructed in some kind of Grixis midrange/control deck but it probably won’t be any existing build.

Nicol Bolas, the Risen

What an awesome set of four abilities, as soon as you flip Nicol Bolas he can net you two cards which is fantastic. Or maybe there’s a threat on the other side of the table, just shoot it for 10, after that you can return it to play under your control, using his second and third ability as a devastating one-two punch. If you’re willing to put in the time however, you could just get to his ultimate and win the game, it doesn’t say it in words but it’s hard to win with just one card in your library. Oh and did I mention he starts at seven loyalty, like I said, bonkers.

Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner

The Elder Dragons are among the most powerful beings in the Multiverse. Some, like Nicol Bolas, were smart and some, like Palladia-Mors, are just brutally strong. A six mana 6/6 with Flying Vigilance and Trample is going to win games quickly with no opposition, throw in that she has Hexproof before she’s dealt damage and that hope of dealing with her is pretty much out the window. Your opponent cant target Palladia-Mors until she’s hit them or a creature they control for 6 and even then they would need to time a removal spell right just in case you had any tricks. I love Palladia-Mors in limited, if you hit her on turn six then the game is pretty much over. As for constructed, not such a fan as you may have to cheat her out for any actual value. Sure she’s hard to deal with but she is slow.

Poison-Tip Archer

It’s going to kill pretty much anything it blocks and gets you extra value in the form of reach. Poison-Tip Archer is great in limited if you’re in black and green and the value multiples provide is hard to fight, keep chump blocking with creatures and after a few turns the game is yours.

Psychic Symbiont

Psychic Symbiont is a mana commitment, especially for a 3/3 flyer, but it does give you card advantage for your troubles. One in limited is fine as you don’t want to clog up the top end of your curve.

Regal Bloodlord

A five mana 2/4 isn’t the best creature stat-wise in the world, Regal Bloodlord will block the ground well though is a bit lacking on the offensive. If you can consistently gain life each turn, maybe with Lifelink or by churning out life gain spells, Regal Bloodlord does help with your board position. I would’ve preferred the Bat tokens have Lifelink, I feel that would have been more thematic but probably more broken as they whole card would then work with itself, making it insane in limited.

Satyr Enchanter

I remember playing Enchantress decks back in the day of Extended - that’s like old modern - the card advantage the deck gained from low curve creatures that draw cards from enchantments quickly buried your opponent. Satyr Enchanter fits into that deck perfectly, it’s three mana and nets you Cards just got casting enchantments, the body isn’t bad either considering most of the Enchantress’ has zero power. In limited Satyr Enchanter could be fine if you opened a whole lot of enchantments but most of the time I feel that it would just be a three mana 2/2, nothing wrong with that but it could be better.

Skyrider Patrol

Skyrider Patrol has a lot of potential value going for it. It’s a four mana 2/3 flyer but the key part is it’s combat phase trigger. It doesn’t require Skyrider Patrol to attack just be in play, two mana to permanently increase another creatures power and toughness and give it flying until end of turn is very powerful. If your opponent has no flyers you can build your own flying threat thanks to Skyrider Patrol, it might require a little protecting but it’s a limited all star and can easily put you over the edge to win a game.

Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

It’s a big, bomby Elder Dragon to finish off the multicoloured cards. Vaevictis is massively powerful just as a six mana 6/6 flyer so when it comes with built in removal the power level shoots up a load of notches. Vaevictis could incrementally take apart your opponent’s board position lands and all given enough time, there is a slight trade off with the ability though. Each attack you force your opponent to sacrifice a permanent but they could redeem themselves if they find another permanent on top of their deck. This all goes for you as well so you may have to time your attacks right if your board position isn’t fully established. Vaevictis is obviously a huge bomb rare in limited that will win you almost any game you cast it in but it’s a little slow for constructed, not to mention mana intensive.

That brings us to the end of all of the multicoloured cards from Core 2019 but not the end of the set. Tomorrow is the turn of all the artifacts and lands, plus a little something extra, so make sure to check back tomorrow as we round off the week. If you're after any singles from Core 2019 be sure to check out, remember to follow us on twitter at @gcgamingtank and let us know your takes on Core 2019. In the meantime though keep checking back to Game Changers for more gaming news, updates and set reviews.

Happy gaming guys!

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