Thursday 7 June 2018

UK Games Expo 2018

Some of you may have heard that there was some sort of Games Expo that happened over this last
weekend. It’s no big deal or anything but it was the premier event for board and card gaming
representation in the UK, so yeah there’s that.
Some of you may have even been lucky enough to have attended UKGE this year and if you were,
I feel safe in saying that you probably weren’t disappointed.

UK Games Expo takes place in the NEC in Birmingham, allowing for tonnes of space for exhibitors,
players and the general public alike. However, it wasn’t always located in the NEC. Back in the day,
when the event was first getting off the ground, it was held in the Clarendon Suites. It wasn’t the
biggest of venues but it did the job for a few years eventually though, with the event going from
strength to strength, a new venue needed to be found. The NEC was more than happy to oblige, and
why wouldn’t it with the attendance numbers ranging from 1200 in 2007 to 31,000 a decade later.

The mix of activities that UKGE has to offer is enough to draw almost any gamer in, from roaming the halls looking at all the new, shiny things on offer to meeting and chatting with developers, designers and illustrators to sitting down and getting a chance to get hands on with some of your favourite games, UKGE is a gamer’s paradise. It’s not just about the games at UK Games Expo, though they have a lot to do with it being in the name and all, there are also a lot of great cosplay, art and sculptures to take a look at which is a great draw for a lot of people that may like the aesthetic of a game slightly more than playing.

As I said, UK Games Expo has just gotten bigger and bigger over the years and this year was no different with a record breaking 39,000 attendees. Maybe walking around a convention centre isn't for you though, if that’s the case what could you spend the weekend doing? Well, there were several tournaments for games happening, including Game Of Thrones, Netrunner, Legend Of The Five Rings, Xwing, Shadespire and more. Not to mention open gaming groups happening after UKGE had finished for the nights on Friday and Saturday along with more gaming at various hotels running almost constantly.

Long story short, there is something for almost everyone. There’s always something happening or
something that catches your eye which leads me nicely onto a little gallery I’ve made up for you guys.

Now, I was there as an exhibitor so I didn’t have that much free time but when I did manage to get
away from my booth for a little bit I couldn’t move without coming across something awesome.

Enjoy guys!

Didn't believe the amount of attendees? How about now?

This guy was walking the halls all weekend, I hope no one got in his way as I'm sure he knows how to use that gun.

Speaking of security, you have nothing to worry about with these guys thanks to their legendary aim.
Additionally, take a look at the Mad Hatter in the background, super on point.

Everyone likes giant Happy Salmon right?

Would you trust these two? I was lucky to get away.

Everything about this is perfect
As a massive Whovian this picture was almost set to be my favourite of the weekend, if it wasn't for...

Of course he's here and of course he has it. This could well be one of if not the best cosplayer I found over the weekend. The outfit and weapons are on point but the beauty of this picture were the mannerisms. In his own words, just before I took the picture, "look away little child" as he flips me off.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this little look into UKGE. I would certainly recommend it for anyone with even a remote interest in anything gaming or gaming culture, you will always find something to do, look at or spend your time admiring.

Maybe I'll see some of you there next year and who knows, you could even make it into a picture or two for this blog.
Keep checking back to Game Changers for more gaming news and updates and as always, remember to like and follow on blogger as well as following on twitter at @gcgamingtank.

Happy gaming guys!

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